Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I for one will not miss the phone calls or television (i hesitate to even call them this) ads,
and am really glad that election 2008 is now a thing of the past. I am suffering the after
effects tho.

I am a staunch democrat. I believe in the democratic policy, but that does not mean I
believe in all the democratic candidates, nor do I believe any of the candidates are really
sincere, I believe they will say what they think you want to hear in order to be elected,
then after they are in office they do as they well please or whatever congress will allow.
I respect your feelings and I had hoped you would respect mine. Isn't that what America
is all about. I was in for a rude awakening this election, people almost seemed desparate,
and knowing my democratic tendancies they felt I was fair game for all their political
jokes. Now, you know me I love a good joke, I stress GOOD joke, but some of the ones
I received were obviously in such bad taste and I truly was offended by them. Mind you
know, I respect your opinion, but the cartoons and poems I received were not your
opinion, just someone elses that you decided to copy. Shame on you for having so little
respect for me, but mostly shame on you for having so little respect for yourself. You
shall remain nameless, you know who you are, but know that I forgive you and will
continue to pray for you.

For the record, I did NOT vote for Obama, nor did I vote for McCain. I prayed over this
and even agonized over it. I did not vote early because I was undecided. I woke up
yesterday morning so close to a panic attack and I thought I just wont vote. Then
common sense took over. 1, if you don't vote in the presidential general election, you
have to register again and 2, there were a couple of positions up for grabs that were
very important to me, so I went to the polling place, holding tightly to the hand of God
and proudly cast my ballot. Under pres/vice pres I proudly voted "none of the above"

We have a new president-elect now, and he will have my whole support but I will place
my trust in the Lord and know that He is watching out for us.

P.S. the two issues I really was concerned about were resolved to my satisfaction.

Love you all

1 comment:

Melly said...

You and me both left things un-voted for on our ballots Grandma. I had a few things that I just couldn't feel 100% on and so I left them blank.

Did you at least write in a fun name? lol!