Friday, May 30, 2008


there is good crying and not so good crying. writing this blog always makes me cry. It takes me down
memory lane,, thinking of things gone by, never to be captured again, makes me think of loved ones
already gone and, the ones that are here, and the ones that will be coming soon.

BUT Sunday was something else. Maybe being Memorial Day weekend had something to do
with it, maybe being in touch with people I haven't heard from in a long time--who knows and does
it really matter--it just happened.

I really was trying to come up with some excuse to stay home from church, but I had missed the
week before and I really didn't have a good excuse, except I was tired and achy from being on
my feet for a couple of hours on Saturday, serving cake and Irish Coffee at the Emerald Island
Casino, celebrating their 5th anniversary. I have come to the conclusion I am getting too old for
some of this stuff, so I will have to come up with something else to help the people I love.

Anyway, the good Lord kept nudging me one way and the devil the other and the good Lord won
this round. I went to church, very small attendance and horror of all horrors Pastor Diane was
preaching. Now, don't get me wrong, I love her, but her sermons usually end with me not knowing
what she was talking about. She gets sidetracked so easily and then forgets where she is. She does
a wonderful funeral and is really great ministering to the sick, but sermons are not her big thing.
This too is not only my opinion, but the feelings of many..

This Sunday was different. We started out singing PRAISE TO THE LORD, THE ALMIGHTY THE
a good uplifting start. I can do this. The theme for the morning was "worry", ie, we shouldn't
as we should cast all our cares on Him. Yeah, sure, easier said than done. I don't consider myself
a chronic worrier, but I do worry about lots of things sometimes. Pastor Diane started out by
telling us about 18 years ago that very day she gave birth to her first child. Paul. Everything
seemed fine at first, but then he was dx'd with Downs Syndrome and the usual health problems
that come with that. Not only was this a worry, but her mother had just been diagnosed with
cancer. It's hard not to worry about these "little things" I know, I know, let go and let God.
The past 18 years had produced many "worries" kidney failure, pneumonia, her mother passed
away, but thanks be to God, today was Paul's 18th birthday. I don't believe there was a dry
eye in the house. Oh, let me back up a moment. The reason she was preaching that day was
because the flu had run rampant thru their house the previous week, one person at a time,
and Sat. night Pastor David had woke her up in the middle of the night and said You have to
do Sunday, I have the bug. Another worry is Pastor David's parents have moved in with them
and his mother is very fragile, and they worried she would catch whatever everyone else had.

Well, seems the organist/pianist also got the bug, so we had a substitute. He sang during the
Offering and guess what - you know it - HOW GREAT THOU ART. Ohmygosh, is every ganging
up on me.

The closing Hymn was DAY BE DAY. I knew the melody, but the words were new to me. It
said that day by day we should give our concerns to our Heavenly Father and just live each
day preparing for that final day when He will gather us to Him. Sorry, that did it.

I am not a pretty crier. My nose runs, my eyes get red--you get the picture, so I fumbled in
my purse for my keys etc, until everyone had cleared out of the sanctuary (as I said small
attendance, finally one thing in my favor) and Pastor Diane was greeting people, and she
took one look at me and gave me a big hug (she is not normally a hugger) and Bonnie our
secretary pulled me on the side and said "You can tell me"

Talk about crying--well trust me it was a soul cleansing cry, which touched more than me.
So enjoy your cries and then get on with the business of daily living. Worrying doesn't
change anything. love you all.


greatgrandmawebb said...

If anyone can tell me how to make
the print smaller, HELP I tried
everything, from changing the font
to picking smaller print, but
nothing seems to work. thanks

Dawn said...

Hi Mom - not sure how to change the font size, but I don't hate it, seems I can read your blog without my glasses! :)

Thanks for the post, it's very clear where I got my super sensitive tear ducts from!

I need to go, gotta find a kleenex! Love you!

greatgrandmawebb said...

I guess there are blessings in
everything. When I read my blog
(see it actually) I feel like I
am yelling at someone. Oh Well,
if you can stand it so can I