Monday, May 19, 2008

WHAT A WEEK...............................

I know, for you mommies out there, you would like my week, but for and old grandma--
well, that's another story. As you know I have been busy planning my Wisconsin vacation
in June. I really am looking forward to the train trip as well as to seeing all my family
and friends. My body may be slowing down, but my mind is going a mile a minute. I
received both my invitation to the class reunion and to my cousin's 60th wedding anniver-
sary and lo and behold, they are being held at the same place, on on Jun 22 and the other
on June29th. Fortunately the hall (?) is in Brookfield, which is really close to Lori's place.
I am really trying to work it out so I can see everyone and still have lots of time to visit.
I mentioned to my Duluth cousin about my plans and they plan to be in Milwaukee the
end of June and would tell his 3 brothers of my plans. Two of them I have not seen since
we moved to California in 1956. These are my crazy aunt Dorothy's boys. I got addresses
and phone #'s but best of all I got a phone call from my cousin Dan who lives in Texas.
He and his current wife (#5)(I know wife #4 passed away, but I don't know what happened
to #1,2, or 3) and we had such a great talk. This man has such a memory, he even
remembered working on our car before we left Milwaukee. Well, to make a long story
shorter, he too plans to be in Milwaukee and we arranging a get-to-gether on June 28
with Jim and Phred and families at the Machine Shed, which too is close to Lori's. Larry
the youngest and my God-child, is in Mexico and probably will not be there. They are
as excited as I am.

Sunday, the beginning of THE week I was sitting comfortably waiting for my mandatory
Mother's Day calls when Surprise, Surprise, my phone rang. "Is this Dorothy, yes it is
well, this is Alarmco and the alarm went off at the Mine. Happy Mother's Day, well it
was in the afternoon, so I went down there. Apparently someone had not locked the
door and kids got into the yard and tried the door. When they opened it, it was pitch
dark in the building and the alarm went off. They took off, I am sure going home to
change their underwear and when I got there the same thing happened to me, no, I
didn't get the socks scared off of me, I knew what was going to happen. I secured
everything and then locked up. Wednesday, I get a call you need to be at the mine in
1 and ahalf hours to do an interview for a power point presentation. Ok, I did say I would
do it, but thought maybe I would have gotten a call the day before or something. I was
still in my nightgown and had to shower and do my hair, it's not supposed to be a scary
presentation! With all this going on I did manage to work on some of my crafts and
I made some really cute wooden soldier ornaments. Our fund raising Gala was on
Saturdaynight and I was in charge of getting the u-haul for moving the steel drums
from the school to the Fiesta (only they forgot to tell me) So, with a lot of phone calls
we got that straightened out. Then on Friday WHAM another phone call from the
alarm co. The alarm went off. Before I had gotten ready to check it out, another
phone call, this one from the chairman of the board. He had set it off. Not only that
he set it off 3 times I finally told the alarm co to just ignore it, as it was the boss and I
never could teach him anything anyhow.

saturday morning, bright and early I met Steve at the u-haul and we picked up the
truck. From then on it was his project. I got to the Fiesta around 3 pm. Checked in
I had taken a room because 1, I dont like driving at night and 2 I intended to party.
I helped get the place set up and then went up to my room to get ready. It was a
good party. Met some of my friends who I had worked with for years. Alyson I saw
Marilyn Kreutzer, she was on pins and needles waiting for Katie to have her baby,
which I guess is due on Tues 6/20 and no one knows what the baby is going to be.
She said to say "Hi" the food was excellent and we made lots of money (I hope)

ANYWAY, that was my week, I don't know when I ever had the time hold a job!
Hmm, well I will get back to "Memory Lane" in the next day or so. In the meantime
I am going to sit back with a cool one in my hand and ignore the 109 degree temps
outside. This weekend my favorite hangout "The Emerald Island" is celebrating
its 5 anniversary and I am going to help them out a little.

Be back soon, love you all....................................

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