Monday, February 1, 2010

COME CELEBRATE WITH ME.........................

It was a rough close to 2009, and so far no better in 2010. I lost many good close friends this past year and
heard many heartbreaking stories of people suffering. I was not sorry to see last year go. I looked forward to
the fresh start of a New Year. I was looking forward to helping Carter celebrate his 3rd birthday at Disneyland and to see our Katie tu rn two. Our friend Nichoel and her boyfriend planning a wedding at the Wayfarer's Chapel, located on the Pacific Ocean, with McKenna and Gavin serving as flower girl and ring bearer.

All these events are happy events and went off as planned. Had a great time in Anaheim with a couple of tours to Corona to see Luke, Maggie and Gavin, as well as the parents, but the Biegers had to cancel due to some sort of bug that had infiltrated their household. We were sorry not to see them, but were happy they were not willing to share their germs. Carter and Bennett and parents and grandparents enjoyed two days at Disneyland, while Greatgrandma, that's me, vegged out at the hotel, sat by the pool, and even ordered up room service one night. I loved it. After a week of rain it was wedding time and thank you God, the w

eather was clear and bright, too bright, the sun created such a reflection on the ocean, pictures with that beautiful setting were impossible. Didn't darken the spirits of the bride and groom tho. The wedding was beautiful, the
reception was fun and the food was good. McKenna and Gavin danced the night away. Another good weekend.

BUT............And there always seems to be a but, in these few short weeks since Jan. 1st, I have lost several good friends, attended memorial services (or missed them because I was in Calif.) learned of two more people diagnosed with the big C and just this past weekend got downed by some bug of my own (feeling better tho)
oh yes, my TV developed a mind of its own turn it on and it will kick in anywhere in the next 24 hr period and then shut off whenever it feels like it. Dawn and Chip graciously donated their bedroom tv to me ( I think they want to get a flat screened one) and came out and hooked it up. Sure enough, I felt so lousy I stayed in my room and watched the little one most of the weekend. This morning my first e mail was to notify me of another friend's passing and the second one was warning me if I didn't read the whole thing and forward it to all my friends bad things would happen to me. I deleted it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, you are probably wondering why I am celebrating?

I was sitting here feeling pretty sorry for myself, when I looked at my calendar, and thought hmmm, I should change it, it is February, yo u know. February 1st and my mind drifted back to another
February 1st, 1982. 28 years ago when I had a radical mastectomy and God has seen fit to keep me cancer free all these years and I realize God does have a plan and who am I to question HIM.
I love him and he loves me. Lord, thank you for my life and thank you for my friends and family.. I know you have aplan for all of us and I ask that you receive my friends into your loving care and comfort those who have lost friends and family and hold my friends who are battling illnesses in your healing hands. AMEN


The Gilles Family said...

I celebrate you, Grandma! Today and always! I'm so grateful that God gave me and my children such a wonderful grandmother and great-grandmother! We love you!!!

Dawn said...

Thanks for sharing your heart, your concerns, your love and your prayers. Thanks for helping us stay focused on the really important things in life.
I love you and praise God for giving me the mom He did! Love you!

Shannon Bieger said...

I'm so proud that you're my Grandma. I'm so sorry for the losses you've experienced recently and I'm celebrating with you all that is GOOD that God has done. If there's a time to mourn and a time to dance, then today is definitely a time to dance!

Beth/mom/AB said...

Thanks Mom for sharing such a beautiful testimony to what God really means in your life.... I love you!