Hmmm, not exactly sure I want to write this blog today. I am so afraid I disappointed so many people this weekend,maybe disappointed isn't the word, maybe p o'd decribes it better, but I will tell my story and when I am done, I will decided whether to post it or not.This weekend was "Women of Faith" weekend here in Las Vegas, also Saturday night was t he night of our annual fund raiser for the mine. Having never attended WOF I was eager to go. I knew it would be a very busy week-end, preceded by a rather busy week(for me, anyhow) of Dr''s appts as well as a bone density t est and mamogram. Justroutine tests done annually, but none the less time consuming.The Friday session of WOF started at 10 am and ending at 9:30 pm, followed by Sat session at 9 am ending at 5:30 pm, with the gala starting at 6 pm. Sound busy yet? While my mind said " you can do it" my almost 80 yr old body was laughing so hard. Kind of sounded like God laughing when I tell Him my plans for my life.
We arrived at the Thomas and Mack stadium with time to spare. Those of you who have visited the T & M know that you take the escalator or stairs to the concourse at the top and find your aisle and enter there and find your seats.
Praise the Lord, our aisle #118 was just across the concourse from the front doors. I just knew we would have to walk completely around the arena, but no we were right there. The aisle starts at row Z and goes straight down, and I do mean straight down. Those of you who know me well, know that I don't do that straight down thing well Oh, did I mention our seats were in the A row? Yup, you guessed it AwwwwwwwwwwwwwL the way down. Grasping tight to the railing, I was prepared. The railing lasted for about 3 steps and then a break before the next railing started. Oh trust me I was not the only one not liking this. I finally got down to A and decided neither hell nor high water was going to induce me to make that trip again.
The morning was inspirational. The worship team was great, speakers Sheila Walsh and Marcus Buckingham were motivational, had a great sense of humor and inspiring. Lunch, which several members of our group went and picked up was OK. We had a great dinner planned, so lunch was just something to tide us over.
Now it was time for the afternoon session. Of course, right POTTY TIME. Can I hold out for 3 more hours, be reasonable, I AM almost 80, sometimes it's hard to hold out from the bedroom to the bathroom, 10 steps. Of course my friends from church told me about the tunnel out of the arena to the elevator, which would take me back up to the concourse for the bathrooms. I dont understand why row A is NOT at the floor level, but there are at least 10 more rows below A. No, sorry I don't know what they are called. I walked down the rest of the stairs In my aisle they had a railing, in other aisles they did not and I understand on Saturday someone (not from our group) actully did fall down some of those last stairs and was ambulanced out of there. Fortunately I had a rail and used it wisely. A very looooooooooong walk thru the tunnel and winding around the hallowed halls I did find the elevator, manned by a character who was a cross between Rip Torn and Captain Kangaroo. He told me he was a 70 year old going on 39 and i countered with I was a 79 year old going on 40 and as I left the elevator he said "I love an older woman with a sense of humor"
Ok back for the end of the session. Now it was time to climb up those stairs so when you get to the top you can go down to street level again. Make sense? Yeah, sure!
Our group had decided to go to the Hofbrau House for dinner Did I mention there were about 60 of us. The HH had reserved tables for us and we had our own menu. Delicious. But during the course of the meal I knew I could not to the steps at the Thomas and Mack again that day, and decided to save my energy for Saturday.. We had lots of time between sessions, so Wendy drove me back to my car (parked at church) and I went home which was a good thing because I hate driving at night.
getting up t he next morning was a real project, every bone, every muscle told me I am not a kid anymore. I called my friend and said I was not going. I absolutely could not do that again. Besides, I had the gala that night.
Well, to make a long story short (a short pause for a long laugh) About half an hour before my friends were coming to pick me up the that event, I called them and begged off.
So my friends, if you are disappointed or even mad at me, please at least applaud the fact that i know my own limitations. I love you all an d I am thrilled when people tell me I don't look my age, but please understand that sometimes even tho the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak. I think someone much wiser that me said that once.
Love you and God bless!