Sunday, May 17, 2009


Fort Lee, Virginia. We had been married a whopping 42 days and looking forward to the holiday when we got word that a few soldiers would draw duty and have to stay on the base that day, and wouldn't you know it, my
wonderful husband was one of the lucky ones. Well word came to us wives that we could get around that if we
showed up at the base stating we had come to the base from out of town just to celebrate the big day. Of course, that was the editorial "we" seeing as in our group, Wayne was the only one drawing duty that day. So
three of us paraded to the CO's office and I requested they give Pvt. Webb the day off as I had come from
Wisconsin to visit with him. It worked and he got the rest of the day off and the private who had to replace him never spoke to us again. Wayne was on KP duty and that's where the replacement went. I really didn't lie

I had come from Wisconsin to be with him, only I had arrived 5 weeks ago and was living there. Oh well!

Now, with Bryan being in the middle east, all these memories are coming back to me. I have been so thankful
over the years that the draft was abolished and that my children did not have to face the hardships and lonliness that came along with military life. Yes, I know, people live it today and I weep everytime I see soldiers being deployed or returning home. You see, it isn't only the soldier who is serving his country, it is the whole family. Ca n you imagine being married for two months and then Uncle Sam says "I want YOU" and you don't see each other for another year and a half. You just had to make an adventure out of it. Today our
armed forces consists of men and women who enlist. They choose this way of life for many reasons, and I salute them. Some do it so they can further their education at governement expense while serving their country. I applaud them. Somemake a career outof being in the service, Thank you, and others give of their
time and talents to go over there and tell these men and women that those at home have not forgotted you.
You are appreciated and loved. Thank you Bryan for giving of your God-given talent and letting our warriors know we love and appreciate them. I know Grandpa is up in heaven saluting YOU! I love you!

1 comment:

Beth/mom/AB said...

Nice job mom, I am sure Dad is very proud of Bryan too, as am I...

Love you both! Beth/Aunt Beth