Sunday, March 29, 2009


Imagine my surprise when I was watching the evening news on Channel 8 (NBC) The other night when I looked up and saw my friend's "mug shot" on the local news. I have known Rick since I started at the mine. He was one of the teacher's who had an idea about teaching kids about mining and thus started the McCaw School of
Mines. At the time Rick was a 4th grade teacher at McCaw, later he followed Janet over to Taylor and has since gone on to become a science teacher at a middle school in Boulder City. I have known Rick all these years, have met at many social events in the past and even spent a few very cold evenings on an island in
the middle of Lake Mead, watching the Christmas Boat Parade. I have accompanied him on field trips as a
chaperone and watched him interact with his students. They all loved him. Why was he o n the news? No, he
didn't die, altho several years ago, he almost did and had to have a kidney transplant, then later had a malignant tumor removed. No, he is alive and well---well maybe not, you see Rick was arrested on Thursday
on 64 counts of Pornography. I am sick. I would have entrusted my children to him. Rick took in foster children who had difficult home situations. He was a soccor coach! It was not revealed if his students were
involved in this, only that he had his home, his car and his classroom searched. the Henderson police had
received an anonymous tip.

A million thoughts run thru your mind. "how can I trust anyone ever again" and then "how can I not" I cannot
s pend the rest of my life reading between the lines, looking behind closed doors, wondering this and that.
I guess I will think twice tho about my most prescious possessions "the children" after all the rest can be
replaced or done without.

Please pray for God to enter Rick's heart. His life as he knows it is over. 17 years he was at the CCSD-gone
I love you all !

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