Monday, March 19, 2012


ok, I'll admit it. I was having a small "pity Party" one day. It's really been a weird winter and lot s of drama going on in the world and also in my own personal world, so I crawled under the covers one afternoon last week and turned on Dr. Phil. Of course, it was a rerun, but why should this day be any different that any other. It was three couples, the wives complaining about their husbands never doing anything around the house. Two wives had outside jobs, one was a stay at home wife. Dr P made me laugh right at the onset when he said something to the effect that he saw no problem here and what did they want from him. Robin laughed too. It went on from there and he sent the husbands to the 'kitchen' to clean it and make their wives lunch. They also threw in three mechanical babies.

This got me t hinking. Help--just a word, but what a word. What help do you want, must it always be successful, who should give it, who should get it--lots to consider here. Wayne and I had a good marriage, way too short , but good. It gets better the longer he has been gone. I think that 's because we choose the remember the good and fun things, and not the tough times. Oh yes, back to the word help. I guess we never drew lines, He helped me and I helped him.

One of the first things I remember is him holding a screaming Dawn on his lap from 6 to 7 each night with his headphones on listening to the tv. I think we only goti 3 channels at that time. I was busy sterilizing the bottles and making formula for the next day. Tha t was help. There were times when He was unable to find a job, having lost his due to downsizing, and I was working. He called me one day to ask how I made my pork chops, I told him. We had pork chops for dinner the next 7 nights in a row. I think the same happened with meat loaf. I also remember when he decided to make bread for a school project--7 lbs of flour later he produced two loaves of bread. Had I been so inclined either one could have been used as a lethal weapon. And i helped him too. I crawled under many a car to help "fix" it. He used to call me his "rear end expert" After I had the mastectomy, the dr said to remove the bandage in 10 to 14 days. I didn't want to know what I looked like, so day 10 went by, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and Wayne came in and ripped off the bandage. Another kind of help.

So, I guess what I was trying to say was THANKS DR PHIL for letting me focus on memories too often pushed aside to struggle thru every day living. Yes, I did fall into the toilet several times.l He did think some days i just ate bon bons and watched tv (which was true) I'll admit it, I hated cleaning house. It was so nice to let it get really messed up and then clean, and it got noticed. One time I cleaned up everything but his mess, so when he got home, he got the message.

There was a time when I took all 4 kids to Milwaukee by train. Prior to t hat I had gotten the lecture on "every ligh t in the house was on and there was jelly all over the table" We were gone about 10 days when I got THE phone call, saying he missed us and all the lights were on and there was jelly all over the table.

thru good times and bad help each other, like the time I was folding laundry and the kids all lined up to put their own clean laundry away, and Wayne stood in line, too. Even Eileen, who was barely walking. I gave her about 4 diapers (not disposable) and she promply threw them in the toilet. HAVE A GREAT DAY LOVE YOU ALL