Christmas is such a busy time of year, and so much gets lost in the shuffle. I like staying home for Christmas, I am comfortable at my own church, and this year I will be doing the power point at all 5 Christmas Eve Services. The comment was made that even the pastors don't do all five, but as I pointed out, (no pun intended) they have to stand and speak, I get to sit and hit a button. Dawn and Chip will be going to New Mexico for Christmas and so I decided to go to So.
Calif to practise Christmas there.
We (I) picked a weekend and it was compatible with all concerned, so I decided I would drive down to Corona on Saturday and come home on Monday. Driving was pretty much the only option as I had so much to take with me, and the airlines don't like that so drive, I will. I planned to leave on Saturday morning and we would all get together for dinner on Saturday nite. As usual, the best laid plans, etc, etc, etc. The weather chose not to cooperate. Remember, I have to drive thru the Cajon Pass, which can be tricky in bad weather. It had turned cold earlier in the week and we had an all day rain (unusual for our area). It cleared up later in the week, but a big storm was predicted for Saturday, so on Thursday, I decided I would leave on Friday and avoid the storm.
I planned to leave around 9 AM, but again, fate stepped in and I was still in Henderson at 10:30 am. Not too bad, got rolling and it was cloudy and threatening, but by the time I got to the state line the sun was shining and it was beautiful. A tad chilly, but good driving conditio ns. So with a Christmas CD and God in the passenger seat, we had a good trip. Got to Barstow and the clouds ahead were very threatening, but I pushed on. Darker and darker as we approached Victorville, with a murky looking bank of fog (smog) on the horizon. There is one really steep downgrade coming down from the pass, where we literally passed thru the clouds, it was a brief
period of time, but it was so eerie --almost like slow motion and weird--and then those clouds were hovering over m y head. No rain, but strange. Others must have felt the same way I did as everyone was driving rather slowly and I did not see even one crazy person. T hank you God. Got in some stop and go traffic between the 60 a nd the 91, but truly again, no nuts. Must have been no California drivers on the 15 that day. Arrived at Beth's in Corona about 2:45.
Mel and the kids came and got me and I went over and had dinner with them. Beth and Tony had a Christmas party to go to. Melanie made a pot roast with potatoes and we had a really good visit. Such fun seeing the kids and their parents.
Saturday morning Beth and I went back to Melanie and Brian's as Beth was babysitting. We had fun with the kids and Beth even taugh t them a new game. She put her I phone on a timer and
we had a contest to see if luke or gavin would keep quiet the longest. Luke won, he went over 8 minutes.
We came back for dinner later on Saturday and the Biegers came over (they actually picked up the dinner and brought it with them. Three delicious pasta dishes, salad and bread. the kids were anxious for presents, which Santa had brought while we were babysitting and that silly man in the red suit dumped them in my trunk so we had to bring them over.
I believe I forgot to mention that the weatherman called it correctly and it rained all day Saturday, sometimes a light rain, but of course everytime we had to be out in it, it was pouring.
After dinner the rain had let up a little bit and the kids wanted to go carolling. Beth, Melanie and Shannon took McKenna, Luke and Kyla and Gavin and went to the neighbor's houses, singing for them and then leaving them gifts. Of course the further away they got, the harder it poured, so they had to give up and come home. Our house was the last house they carolled at and they were so cute, singing their hearts out and looking like drowned puppies. Maggie came and stood next to my while the sang her song "Tinky Bells, HAY!" (Jingle Bells) Oh what fun. Poor Mags had lost her voice, so she could only "shine" her eyes were shining, her smile was shining and she was just enjoying the whole thing.
Now, it was present time. The girls got bracelets and the boys got roadbots and lots of candy.
Maggie can tell you that you cannot take a giant gumdrop and put it in your mouth all at one time, you have to take bites. Kids were place in new pajamas (getting out of their wet clothes)
Dessert time for the grown-ups, some photo ops, kids worn out from carolling and grandma looking like she had been out in the rain way too long, but love filling the air. Even Katie looked at me this time, didn't smile, but didn't look down either.
Where does the weekend go? It's Sunday already. Beth and I met Sherri for lunch and then met Melanie an Gavin at the Menswear shop where Gavin was measured for his "suxedo" He and
McKenna are going to be in Nichoel's wedding in January. I think Melanie is still in "sticker shock over the price of renting a tuxedo.
Sunday was a beautiful day, and promises of good weather to come. I planned to go home on Monday, and was able to get away on time. 9AM was the plan and I was home and had the car unpacked by 12:40. Very little traffic and very little wind.
Thanks for sharing our Christmas Practise with me, Now we are all prepared for the REAL thing
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
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